Monday, August 19, 2019


  • FORCE - force is the influence that changes or tend to change the state of rest or of uniform motion of the body along a straight line . if the force  f acts on a body of  mass m and produces an acceleration of a then f = m*a. hence force acting on the body is equal to the product of mass of body and acceleration produced by the force on the body the si unit of force is newton and is denoted by letter "n"
  • WORK -  if force acts on a body and points of application of the force is move, then work is said to be done by the force. if the force f moves a body through a distance s in its direction then work done by force is given by w=f*s.the si unit of force is joule and is denoted by letter j
  • POWER - the rate of doing work is called power. its measure by the amount of work done in unit time.if W is the work done in time T then power P= w/t
  • ENERGY - the energy of a body is its ability to do work. its measure by amount of work done that it can perform. the si unit of energy is joule . there are many forms of energy such as light energy , electrical energy etc
  • SCALAR AND VECTOR QUANTITIES - all the physical quantities can be classified into two categories namely,scalar and vector quantities.the quantities that have only magnitude but no direction are called scalar quantities example are length,mass,time,etc and quantities that have only magnitude and as well as direction are called vector quantities example are displacement,velocity,force,etc

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