Friday, August 30, 2019



Film is sensitive to emulsions, heat, humidity and some chemicals. Therefore some special precautions are taken for the storage of unexposed x-ray film. X-ray film storage should be in a metal box or cupboard shelves two feet above the ground or in a double wall cabinet with air flowing through the outer wall. The x-ray film is kept at a temperature of  55 ° F, relative humidity below 60 percent.

X-ray films are sensitive to gases (e.g. formaldehyde, hydrogen sulfide, sulfur dioxide, ammonia, illuminating gas, engine exhaust) and vapors (from solvents, mothballs, cleaners, turpentine, mildew and fungus preventives, and mercury) etc. This changes the sensitivity of the emulsion. So X-ray films should be kept away from them. If the film is stored for more than 6 months, it can be freeze (-18 ° C to -23 ° C) but it is slowly brought to normal temperature before being used. This prevents the emulsion layers from rolling.
X-ray film is sensitive to cosmic radiation , this cosmic radiation is found everywhere. This cosmic radiation produces fog on the x-ray film. Film fog can occur due to many reasons including scatter radiation, exposure of radiographs to light and exposure of film to radiation before exposure. Hence X-ray film is kept away from this natural background radiation.
The room where X-ray film storage is there should be away from the radiography room.
Film is also sensitive to emulsion pressure, so for film storage, the X-ray film compartments should not be stacked one on top, but should be kept standing like a book in a book.

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