Sunday, September 1, 2019



Axial calcaneus  – This position done to visualize Fractures, dislocations of the tarsal bones and subtalar joint that make up the calcaneus. 

Collimation – lateral and posterior skin edge and to include baser of 5th metatarsals bones.
Centering point – at the level of base of 5th metatarsal in the midpoint of the foot

FFD- 100cm

Central ray – 30°- 50° cranial angulation, depending on tolerated foot flexion

Cassette orientation – landscape or depend on patient

Protection – gonads shielding is advisable

Position of patient – the patient supine or seated on the table with leg straight and toes pointed on the roof.
Flex foot as far past 90 as patients will tolerate. You may need to use a belt or something similar in order to achieve this. And cassette underneath


Lateral calcaneus  – This position done to visualize Fractures, dislocations of the tarsal bones and subtalar joint that make up the calcaneus  

Collimation- posterior skin edge to base of the 5th metatarsal and inferior skin edge to medial malleolus

Centering point – midpoint of the calcaneus

FFD- 100cm

Central ray – perpendicular to cassette

Cassette orientation – landscape or depend on patient

Protection – gonads shielding is advisable

Position of patient – the patient supine or seated on the table with leg  externally  rotated so that the lateral  side of the foot is resting on the cassette .

Flex foot as far past 90 and raise knee from the bed until planter surface of the foot is perpendicular to the cassette

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