eg- part of the body or a metal casting is placed between the source of the xrays and the sensitized material;the resulting radio graph shows a details of the internal structure which is widely used in medical field for diagnostic purposes.
POSITION TERMINOLOGY - while performing radiography positions on the patients we have to do many positions like supine,prone,lateral decubitus so the different positions terminology are the following:-
- supine(dorsal decubitus) - lying on the back
- prone(ventral decubitus) - lying on the face down
- lateral decubitus - lying on the side
- coronal plane - vertical plane perpendicular to median plane
- recumbent - lying down in any position like prone,supine etc
- dorsal recumbent - lying on the back side(like supine)
- ventral recumbent - lying face down(like prone)
- lateral recumbent - lying on the side
- erect - upright or straight
- anteroposterior(AP) position - supine or standing with posterior aspect in contact with the film
- posteroranterior positions(PA) - supine or standing with anterior aspect in contact with the film
- superior - towards the highest of the body
- inferior - towards the bottom of the body
- medial - towards the mid line
- lateral - off from the mid line
- proximal - towards the middle of the body
- distal - off from the center of the body
- superficial - towards the surface of the body
- deep - off from the surface of the body
- caudal - towards the tail(feet)
- cephalic - towards the heads
- plantar - sole of the feet
- unilateral - one facet of the body
- bilateral - both side of the body
- ipsilateral - on the similar facet(side) of the body
- contralateral - on the reverse facet(side) of the body
- flexion - decrease the angle of the joint
- extension - increase the angle of joint
- abduction - movement of the limbs towards the mid line
- ulnar deviation - lateral movement of the wrist towards the middle line
- radial deviation - lateral movement of the wrist off from the middle line
- Axial plane - transverse or trans-axial plane:horizontal plane perpendicular to long axis of the plane
- sagittal plane - vertical plane parallel to median plane or mid sagittal plane which divide the body onto two halves
PROJECTION TERMINOLOGY - Projection is described by the direction central ray takes relative to aspects and the planes of the body.
- anteroposterior:- the central rays is incident on the antiror aspect, passes along transverse plane and along or parallel to medial sagittal plane and emerges from posterior aspect.
- posterioantriror:- he central rays is incident on the posterior aspect, passes along transverse plane and along or parallel to medial sagittal plane and emerges from anterior aspect.
- Lateral:- the central rays pass through the one side of the body to the other along the coronal and a trans verse plane. the projection is called right lateral if central ray passes from the right to left side.for limbs the term medio lateral or latero medial is used.
- Anterior plane:- the central ray enters the posterior aspect, passes along a transverse plane at some angle to median saiggital plane and emerges from the anterior aspect.
various x-ray positions of human body click on the above topic to get answers:-
- hand all x-ray - click here
- forearm ap or lateral - click here
- wrist ,pa, lateral, obliques view - click here
- elbow ,lateral,oblique - click here
- dp foot,oblique, lateral - click here
- tibia fibula ap/lateral - click here
- shoulder ap ,lateral,oblique - click here