Tuesday, September 3, 2019



the property of a conductor to store electric charge is know as capacitance.it is defend as the ratio between the charge and its potential.if the q is the charge in a conductor of potential v then the capacitance c is given by:- c = q/v
the unit of capacitance is farad(F).one farad is the capacitance of a capacitor which require one coulomb electric charge to raise its potential by one volt, in practice, micro farad and pico farad is useds
1farad= 1 columb/volt


a capacitor is a device which increase the capacitance of the conductor.it usually consist of two conductors , one charged and other is earth connected.the space between the plate is filled with some insulating material called dielectric. 
the capacitance of capacitor depends on several factors such as
  • area of over lap between the plates
  • distance between the plates
  • nature of dielectric medium
capacitor uses:
  • used to store electric charge
  • used to measure potential difference and small currents
  • it is useful in reducing voltage fluctuation,generating oscillations,for providing time delay in various electric circuits
  • with use of capacitor require electric field can be obtained

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