Wednesday, September 11, 2019

chest x ray


*         CHEST X RAY POSTERIOR ANTERIOR (PA VIEW) INTRODUCTION - In the chest x-ray, radio graphs of the organ located in the thoracic part of the body are taken. The thoracic cavity contains some of the main organs of its body, such as the heart, lungs, trachea, esophagus, aorta, etc. To protect all of this, thoracic cages are removed, in which anteriorly sternum, posteriorly vertebral column and lateral ribs are located.
·         THE CASES IN WHICH WE DO -Fever,chest pain,ribs broken,Heart Failure,lung cancer etc  
·         PREPARATION - If there is any surgical implanted device of the patient like pacemaker or heart valve, then the doctor should be told first. In this case, the doctor may consider any other alternative of chest x-ray such as CT Scan or Sonography etc. Before X-ray, the patient is asked to remove the clothes above his waist and wear a hospital gown.
·         CENTERING POINT - at the level of the 7th thoracic vertebrae,near the inferior angle of scapulae
·        COLLIMATION  - superiorly 5 cm above the shoulder joint to allow proper watching of upper airways
·         CASSETTE ORIENTATION - landscape or portrait  (depend upon patients)
·        CASSETTE SIZE - 35*43
·        EXPOSURE -  kv- 101-109 and mas - 4-5
·         CENTRAL RAY- perpendicular to cassette
·        FFD- 180 cm
·        grid - yes
·        RESPIRATION- suspended inspiration

·         CHEST X RAY ANTERIOR POSTERIOR (AP VIEW) INTRODUCTION - The AP view is done to visualize the chest lungs,thoracic cavity,medstinum,great vessels,acute and chronic disease of the chest                                                                                                                          
·         CENTRAL RAY - perpendicular to cassette
·         CENTERING POINT - entering point at the midpoint between xiphoid process and sternal notch
·         COLLIMATION - to include apices and costophrenic angles,lateral margins of the chest and last ribs(laterally)
·         FFD - 180 CM
·         RESPIRATION - suspended inspiration and expiration for pneumothorax
·         POSITIONING -patient seated in wheelchair or upright in bed with back against cassette and arms by side
·         CASSETTE SIZE - 35*43 CM
·         CASSETTE ORIENTATION - Landscape (or depend on patient)

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