Saturday, August 31, 2019




PA HAND – This position done to visualize Fractures, dislocations of the bones, congenital deformities, or other anomalies of hand

Collimation – to include entire hand and carpals bones. For finger include distal tip of affected finer to proximal end of metacarpals bones

Centering point – entering hand at 3rd metacarpal joint

Cassette size - - 24×30cm

Centering ray- perpendicular to the cassette

FFD- 100cm

Cassette orientation - portrait or depend on patient

Protection – gonads shielding is advisable

Position of patient – the patient should be seated at the end of the table with legs parallel to the table end and affected limb on the table and place affected hand finger palmer side down on cassette.


OBLIQUE HAND - This position done to visualize Fractures, dislocations of the bones, congenital deformities, or other anomalies of hand

Collimation – to include entire hand and carpals bones. For finger include distal tip of affected finer to proximal end of metacarpals bones

Centering point – entering hand at 3rd metacarpal joint

Centering ray- perpendicular to the cassette

Cassette size - - 24×30cm

FFD- 100cm

Cassette orientation - portrait or depend on patient

Protection – gonads shielding is advisable

Position of patient - the patient should be seated at the end of the table with legs parallel to the table end and affected limb on the table and place affected hand/ginger Palmer side on a 45° sponge/angle thumb side raised slightly.


LATERAL HAND - This position done to visualize Fractures, dislocations of the bones, congenital deformities, or other anomalies of hand

Collimation – to include entire hand and carpals bones. For finger include distal tip of affected finer to proximal end of metacarpals bones

Centering point – To enter  hand metacarpal joint

Centering ray- perpendicular to the cassette

FFD- 100cm

Cassette size - - 24×30cm

Cassette orientation - portrait or depend on patient

Protection – gonads shielding is advisable

Position of patient - the patient should be seated at the end of the table with legs parallel to the table end and place affected hand with thumb raised, down on cassette. To properly visualize the phalanges the fingers should be positioned in fan like arrangement as per pic above. This is not require if the area of the interest is the metacarpal bones.


PA THUMB - This position done to visualize Fractures, dislocations of the bones, congenital deformities, or other anomalies of thumb

Collimation – to include distal thumb and distal carpal bones

Centering point –metacarpal

Centering ray- perpendicular to the cassette

FFD- 100cm

Cassette orientation – all three thumb images can fit on one film and pa image should be to the medial side of the film

Protection – gonads shielding is advisable

Cassette size - - 24×30cm

Position of patient - the patient should be seated at the end of the table with legs parallel to the table end and place affected limb on the  table and place hand in lateral position with little finger on cassette and laying thumb so that it is parallel with the cassette. A sponge can be used to steady the thumb if required.

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