Sunday, September 8, 2019



The variation of flux density with magnetic field intensity is not linear. A graph plotted between B and Has shown in the Figure 2.13. is called B-H curve. From this graph, it is clear that the curve rises rapidly at first indicating big change in the value of B for a corresponding small change in H. The slope of this curve gradually decreases indicating a small change in 3 for increasingly larger values of H. A stage is reached when the slope of the curve becomes constant and this condition is known as saturation..
If we take ferromagnetic material in completely demagnetized state and make it to undergo through a cycle of magnetization in which H is increased from zero to a maximum, then decreases to zero, then reversed and again taken to-H max and finally brought back to zero. The variation of B with respect to H can be represented by a closed hysteresis loop shown in the figure.
A study of hysteresis loop of different magnetic materials helps us to know their magnetic properties. For example, the area of the hysteresis loop for soft iron is smaller than for  steel. Hence energy lost per cycle is correspondingly less. So soft iron is preferred steel for cores of dynamos, transformers, etc. which are subjected to a large number of  cycles so that the loss of energy may be minimum
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